Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Samson meets my farrier

Samson met up with my farrier today and stood like a champ to have his hooves trimmed. I was pleased with my little horse who continues to impress me with his willingness and intelligence. I also thank my farrier Mike Hart who has worked with me since we started with our mustangs 4 years ago. It is not always easy to find a good farrier - especially way out in the "boonies" with a bunch of mustangs. I am thankful to have him. We are back to the heat and no rain here in East Texas. September now seems very close for some reason.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

A very good day and a very bad day

Yesterday we got over 4 inches of very badly needed rain. That was VERY good. All the horses had a ball running around enjoying the rain and cooler temps- including Samson. Unfortunately- during all the wind- the gate separating pastures came open and Samson escaped into the company of the mares- not a good thing. After sorting things out and settling for awhile- we had an evening session. Well- this was the worst session since the beginning!!!. He was extremely "fiesty" and did not want to cooperate at all. No matter how many circles we turned in order to get some cooperation- it didn't matter-he simply wasn't going to ride. VERY bad. In order to be able to quit him on a good note- we had to do ground work. We did our in hand obstacle course fairly well, tied for some time, and called it a day. We will see what happens today. Monday those teeth get checked which is a good thing.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Samson's rough day

Long time no post-I have fallen down on the job!!. Yesterday was a big day for the little boy. I have known for some time that he was too dependent upon his buddy Fred so I decided to take him on a trail ride across to Dad's on his own. Dad was waiting with his gator to set the pace and help out if needed. Boy was it needed. I mounted only after walking him over there- we walked ok for a very little way and then "boom" he started whipping around on his hind and then rearing and neighing frantically for Fred- who was neighing in return in the distance. I turned him in circles, backed him up, alittle spanking with the reins to no avail. Now this was a battle I couldn't afford to lose, nor did I want to get in a big fight with him because no telling who would win. So- I got off and into the back of the gator and held on to him and off we went. We walked along for some time this way and then I got back on him. Same thing-only worse. Off again-back to being brought along by the gator only this time at a trot. We went further this time- got back on him- same thing only this time alot of emphatic pawing was added. Back to the gator- we drove the gator at a pace that kept him at an extended trot which is all we could saftly do. We went further- got back on. Same thing only this time his effort was not as energetic-we were almost there. One more short round with the gator and I got back on. This time he stood still and when I asked him to follow gator he did so willingly!!!!!!! Man was I relieved!!!!!!! We continued following the gator as our pacer for a short while and then called it quits while we were still on a good note. Samson walked home quietly without neighing or pulling on the bit. He worked up quite a sweat - a real good workout for Samson, me and my Dad. We will repeat this outing today. Hopefully he chooses to ride right along behind the gator- we were all pretty tired yesterday and really don't want a repeat. Will post results.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

July 9

It has been awhile since I have posted - been very busy with family stuff-not to mention Samson. All 3 sons and families spent some days with us over the 4th -including a surprise visit from son in California for my birthday. We had a wonderful time-kept us quite busy.

Samson continued his lessons during all of this. We do our ground exercises almost daily. The in hand trotting, going over poles and backing up are getting alittle better daily. He does not give his feet willingly- I have to take them- we will continue to work on that. We are out of the round pen under saddle and into the arena. We have a long way to go. He is pretty "fiesty". Last night I took him off the property for the first time in trailer to a friend's house where I rode him in lighted arena. There was lots of activity around there and Samson kept his cool better than I expected. I was proud of him- he has such a wonderful attitude. Next week- I will take him to a different friends house and we will do our first trail ride. My appreciation for this horse just continues to grow.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Weekend stuff

Again not much new to report. We are plugging along still taking baby steps. Everyday we do some in hand work which consists of leading over poles, trotting in hand, some backing, picking up feet and some round pen work. Each day things get alittle bit better. Picking up those feet over the poles will take some time to understand. He did not race me while trotting in hand this weekend and we progressed into some turning while maintaining the trot. Still a long way to go in hand but getting better. I got on him Fri, Sat and Sun. He moves out nicely with pony horse Fred in the lead which is a start. Sunday I took Fred out of the round pen and Samson didn't like that much. Managed to get a few steps forward and several decent turns and a few steps back before I decided it was enough. This is such a great little horse-friendly,attentive, willing to learn, his "fight or flight" response is not nearly as extreme as some of our other mustangs. He does get "frisky" and stubborn at times - after all, he is just a youngun. He will be great as he matures. It will be difficult to let this one go.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Plugging along

Well not too much exciting to report. Samson and I continue to work mainly on our ground work. Our training hours are really being hampered by this heat and no rain in weeks. We have started to work on directional back up on the ground. This is difficult for a horse but he seems to be grasping the concept. He has begun to think that our trotting in hand is quite fun and wants to be the leader!!! We will correct that today. He is showing himself to be quite intelligent as he continues to gain security in his environment and our schedule. Once he grasps a concept- it really seems to stick.

Yesterday I began to send him over obstacles - one of which is a big log. He was praised lavishly when he began to jump this log well and without hesitation. He certainly figured that out quickly--I then began to have him lope around me on the lunge line right beside the log-he thought if he jumped that log again I would let him stop and he would get somemore of that praise. He surprised me by veering off and leaping over that log without being sent and then stopped and looked at me expecting his reward!! I was so surprised I did not respond correctly. I laughed-not good!!

Samson has definitely gotten over his fear of the water hose. The heat accomplished what I was having trouble doing myself. When I turn on the hose now- here he comes- he stands there happily while he is soaked down.

My goal this weekend is to spend some time in the saddle. After the first few mounts I realized I needed to spend alittle more time on the ground cues, softening, etc. We have done that- so-"riders up".

Monday, June 22, 2009

June 22

For the last few days we have continued to work on lessons learned and added a few new ones. With alittle advice from my friend Lauren - he now has the idea of backing up. He gives all 4 feet pretty easily at this stage of the game. We put the trailer in his arena and let him trailer himself for the day. He showed alot of curiousity about it and got in to investigate several times. He seemed quite proud of himself and would run around the trailer prancing after he got out. We try hard to do things the easy way if possible. I will send him into the trailer tomorrow. He will trot in hand alittle-just alittle though- that is a great start. We've been walking around cones, over obstacles, learning some basic reining on the ground, finally accepted the water hose which was an important thing as the extreme heat continues with no relief in sight. Basically what we have been doing is cementing our relationship. Yesterday, on Father's Day, with my husband Terry and pony horse Fred helping out- I mounted and dismounted a few times-tried a step or two. Can't really call it a first ride-but good enough for day 7 !!!! Samson was pretty much unconcerned about this person on his back. We could have gone further but are faced with a rolling saddle no matter how tight the cinch. Low withers and a round back are a challenge to fit!!

This is an amazing little horse. He is calm, curious, learns quickly and very willing. He enjoys attention from people which makes things so much easier. I am so pleased with him. Today I let him rest- he has earned it.